Double Happiness Tee

Double Happiness Tee

from £15.00

Double Happiness is the Chinese symbol worn or put in important places to bring luck in love and marriage. You can see it is made from two identical characters, each one means happy and they have been connected together, just like two people join together in marriage, to makes the Chinese word joy — or double the happiness! It is seen all over oriental weddings as an auspicious decoration to represent unity in joy and joy in unity.

Becky Hoh-Hale, the half Chinese founder of Most Curious, thought it made a neat but meaningful emblem for a Most Curious t-shirt. She has collaborated with graphic designer and illustrator Joe Stone on this screen-printed limited edition piece.

Images by Lisa Jane Photo

A6 Double Happiness postcard with every order!

@mostcuriouswedfair / @joestone

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